Virgin Media Mail

Changes to our Acceptable Use Policy for Virgin Media Mail
To avoid a large number of unused email addresses on our Virgin Media Mail service, we’ve made some updates to our Acceptable Use Policy found here. If you want to know more, the updated sections are 6.6 - 6.9.
These changes affect all Virgin Media email addresses ending in the following:
What’s changing?
From the 8th September 2014, you’ll need to access your Virgin Media Mail mailbox at least once every 90 days. This can be via our Webmail service, an email client such as Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail, or from a mobile device.
What if I don’t do this?
If your mailbox isn’t accessed within a 90 day period, we may suspend access to your mailbox without prior notice. If we do this, your mailbox will remain suspended for 60 days.
What happens next?
Don’t worry. If you’d like to reactivate your mailbox during this time, you can call our team on 0800 519 6986.