Customer News

Some news if you’re currently on an offer.
Although our cost for your package is going up from 1st September 2015, if you’re currently on a short-term offer, you’ll still get the benefit of it until your offer ends.
To find out how your package is bigger and better than ever, take a look at what’s new under the ‘New BT Sports Europe’ tab. Or click on the ‘Our bigger, better TV XL package’ tab to see all the other great benefits you can enjoy.
Things to note:
If you are on a promotional offer we will honour it. Some of your increase may therefore happen at the end of your promotional offer.
If you are one of the thousands of customers that have Line Rental Saver you will continue to benefit from this fantastic offer. Payment is non-refundable (unless you cancel within 7 working days). After 12 months, standard monthly line rental charges will apply.
Other Legal Stuff:
BT Sport: is available at no extra cost for TV XL, Premiere and VIP customers only. Sky Sports available with subscription. Premium channels must be kept for at least 30 days. HD TV set and TiVo® box connected with HDMI cables required for HD channels.
SmartCall: SmartCall is available to home phone cable customers only with a compatible talk plan. Not for commercial use. You can only register a maximum of two devices per account. Eligible devices apply, see website for details. WiFi connection required. Acceptable use policy applies. Call categories aligned to your talk plan. Inclusive outbound calls only. You cannot make chargeable calls outside of your talk plan. UK call times apply when using SmartCall abroad. SmartCall cannot be used to make calls to the Emergency services (999 and 112).
Speed increase: Applies to cable broadband customers. Go to for more information.
VFastest claims: Fastest widely available broadband according to 2015 Ofcom report. Ofcom’s review of UK broadband speeds published in March 2015, based on Ofcom November 2014 test results. Virgin Media vs major UK ISPs (average download speeds). See for details.
Unlimited downloads: Traffic Management Policy applies. Download speeds may be affected by Traffic Management measures from 4pm to 11pm weekdays and 11am to 11pm at weekends. Heavy users may experience a temporary reduction in download speed during these periods, however users can continue to download without any interruption or charge at the reduced speeds, and are not subject to a monthly download limit. Traffic management measures are in place to ensure a consistent user experience and impact only the heaviest users (typically less than 5% a day). See website for details.
Virgin TV Anywhere: Content available to view depends on TV package and device. Not all channels from relevant pack available. Live streaming and On Demand available in UK with broadband or WiFi internet access only. Access via PC, Mac or TV Anywhere app. TiVo tools for TiVo customers only. Minimum 800Kbps recommended per device accessing the service concurrently. Maximum of two devices per account can watch up to two concurrent streams at any time.
Virgin TV Anywhere app: Only available to TiVo customers with compatible device (currently iOS devices only). Visit for our full terms and conditions.
Netflix: If you are new to Netflix, you will need to register and accept Netflix's terms and conditions of use. Netflix usually retails for £5.99 a month. Existing Netflix customers with TiVo can access the service via their TiVo box.
Service and repairs: Excluding customer-related damage.
Inclusive calls: Zero-rated tariff applies to the first hour of direct-dialled local and national geographic voice calls only (numbers beginning 01, 02 and 03) and 0870 numbers (not other numbers such as those beginning 084 and 070) starting within the weekend periods (all day Saturday and Sunday). Re-dial before 60 minutes to avoid call charges. Full details of call charges/connection fees at
Directory Enquiries: Free calls to Virgin Media national Directory Enquiries Service on 118 180 are only available from a Virgin Media home phone (Cable and National) and Virgin Mobile and are included within your tariff. Charges for calls to 118 118 based on £1.59 connection charge and £1.99 per minute call costs.
Line Rental Saver: Must be paid in advance by debit/credit card. Payment is non-refundable (unless you cancel within 7 working days). After 12 months, standard monthly line rental charges will apply.