TiVo – Discover TiVo – The TiVo Box | Virgin Media

Take a closer look at TiVo
If you love TV, you'll really love TiVo. Let us show you what you can do with our clever little box.

Like a lot of TV? Then you'll need somewhere to store it all
Wouldn't it be good if you didn't have to sacrifice the shows you've already recorded, just to add a few new ones?
Our 1TB TiVo box has six times the storage of our V+ HD Box, giving you around 500 hours of standard TV or around 100 hours of HD TV. And with our 500GB TiVo box you can record around 250 hours of standard TV or around 50 hours of HD TV. So you won't have to worry about running out of space to store all your favourite TV.
Take a closer look at what TiVo can do

Too much TV to watch at the same time? Record the lot
Does everyone in the house want to watch something different? With so much great TV to watch, it's easy to see why there might be clashes. Luckily, our clever TiVo service makes it easy to avoid the arguments.
Only Virgin Media gives you the freedom to record any two shows while watching a third. Or record three shows while you watch something you've recorded earlier. So no one needs to miss out on the TV they love – and everyone is happy.
If you delete something by accident, don't worry. TiVo keeps all your recently deleted files safe so you can undelete them and watch them when you want.

Didn’t record? Don’t despair
So you’re out for dinner and suddenly it hits you that you forgot to set your TiVo box to record I'm A Celebrity (and you just know everyone will be talking about it at work tomorrow!).
Don’t panic. Just grab your laptop, iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone and Virgin TV Anywhere will make sure it's waiting for you when you get home. (Android users can record remotely too. Just search for our TV Guide in the Play Store.)
It's so clever that it'll even tell you when you don't have space on your box, so you can delete some shows to free up some room. Genius.
TiVo and the Thumbs Up logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of TiVo Inc. and its subsidiaries worldwide.
Free activation when you take a 500GB TiVo box as your first box. Installation fee (£49.95) applies.